Patent Portfolio

The β€˜Queue Wait Time Estimation System’ Patent Portfolio.

The Queue Wait Time Estimation System, encapsulated within patent portfolio no. 10,282,763 and related patents, represents an innovative approach to quantifying and predicting wait times through the utilization of crowd-sourced smartphone sensor data. At its core, the system employs a sophisticated blend of accelerometers and magnetometers embedded within smartphones, tapping into these sensors to discern intricate movement patterns and magnetic field fluctuations associated with crowd dynamics.

Leveraging the principles of queue theory, a mathematical branch specializing in the study of waiting lines and congestion phenomena, the system extrapolates wait times based on real-time data inputs from numerous devices in a given location. This integration of sensor data and queue theory not only provides an accurate estimation of wait times but also contributes to a more efficient understanding and management of queues in diverse scenarios, ranging from amusement parks to public transportation hubs.

